A Security Officer is the person in charge of controlling the accesses and also supervising public safety at Entertainment and Show Businesses or in Public Establishments (formerly also known as Bouncer). In a more formal jargon, he is the professional figure whose responsibilities are established and prescribed by the Ministerial Decree of 6/10/2009. The decree requires anyone who stand in this position to have completed a specific training course (of minimum of 90 hours) recognized by the Province in which this course is provided.
Attendance to the course and passing the final exam, will grant the students the Course’s completion certificate, which is part of the set of documents that must be presented at the Prefettura- Government ‘s Office-in order to become a registered professional Security Officer and being formally included in the SO Regional Official List with a registration number.
Legal Modules (33 hours) – in presence or online
- Role and functions of the Security Officer
- Legislation on public order and safety
- Legal and regulatory provisions governing public show entertainment and public exercise activities
- Criminal laws and consequent responsibility of the Security Officer
- Collaboration with the police forces
Technical Modules (30 hours) – in presence and online
- Provisions on health and safety in the workplace D.lgs. 81/08
- Provisions on fire prevention – medium risk firefighting course with issue of certificate
- Notions of medical first aid – first aid course (companies category B and C) with issue of certificate
- Notions on the risks associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs AIDS
Psychosocial behavioural modules (27 hours) – in presence or online
- Introduction to the understanding interpersonal communication
- Communication in the presence of people with disabilities
- Conflict mediation techniques/ Anger Management
- Mediation and intervention techniques (containment, self-defense, third party safety)